E-Bike & Radfahren
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Verleih von Fahrrädern und E-Bikes mit Radrouten und Karte
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E-Bike & Fahrradverleih
Erkunden Sie die Reiseziele Slunj und Rastoke mit dem Fahrrad! Wecken Sie den Entdecker in sich und entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schönheiten der unberührten Natur. Neben verschiedenen Adrenalinprogrammen bieten wir auch einen Fahrradverleih für diejenigen an, die die vielen Wanderwege und Radwege von Kordun erkunden möchten. Entdecken Sie auf eigene Faust die Schönheit von Rastok, dem Fluss Korana, Slunjčica sowie Mrežnica, die auf jedem Schritt Ihrer Reise für Erfrischung sorgen. Erkunden und entspannen Sie in der Naturschönheit, während Sie durch Wälder, Landstraßen und malerische Landschaften fahren.
Freuen Sie sich auf Feldwege, Schotterwege und asphaltierte Pfade, die auch Anfängern eine sichere und entspannte Fahrt ermöglichen. Wenn Sie abenteuerlustig sind und Lust auf Erholung haben, mieten Sie normale Fahrräder. Wenn Sie längere Strecken und Pfade zurücklegen möchten, bieten wir auch Elektrofahrräder an.
Was erwartet Dich auf unseren Bike-Trails?
Die Wege sind gut markiert, mittelschwer, aber auch für Anfänger geeignet. Auf unserer Website finden Sie Radkarten und wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden! Wir haben mehrere interessante Routen unterschiedlicher Länge zusammengestellt, sodass wirklich für jeden etwas dabei ist. Egal für welche Route Sie sich entscheiden, Sie werden auf atemberaubende Flüsse stoßen, sei es Korana, Slunjčica oder Mrežnica. Erfrischen Sie sich an den Wasserfällen, machen Sie interessante Fotos von alten Mühlen, fahren Sie nach Rastok, einem kleinen Müllerdorf, lernen Sie Napoleons Magazin kennen, besuchen Sie die Festung der Altstadt von Slunj und das Beste ist, dass Sie sich jederzeit in einem der Restaurants oder Cafés erfrischen können.
Elektrofahrrad (E-BIKE)
* E-BIKES: GIANT FATHOM E+333,50 € / über 5 Stunden (1 Tag)
*Normale Mountainbikes- 15,00 €/über 5 Stunden (1 TAG)
Can a bike be rented without a credit card?
To rent either a regular or an electric bike, we must have a certain form of guarantee, so when signing the disclaimer, you enter your bank/credit card information on the statement, which we will not charge and pre-authorize, but only save the information until you return from the trip.
What do I need to rent a bike?
It is necessary to make the payment, which can be on the spot in cash or by card, and to sign a disclaimer and take a credit card with you as a form of insurance.
What happens when I exceed the agreed rental time?
If you see that you still want to stay longer or that you will not be able to return at the agreed time, please call us and inform us for other reservations.
What if I give up driving at a certain moment, can someone pick us up?
Call us and we will agree on the best solution, we can pick you up for a certain surcharge.
How many bikes can I rent at once?
We have 10 regular bikes and 4 electric bikes at our disposal, you can rent as many bikes as you need and as many as are available.
What if I forgot my padlock code?
Just call us or send us a message via whatsapp, we will answer you quickly and let you know the code.
What can I do if I notice a breakdown on the bike during the rental?
If you notice any disturbances, we advise you to stop immediately, check the bike and call us and explain the situation. If the defect is bigger and you are unable to continue with the excursion, we will deliver a new one to the location.
What happens if I damage the bike?
When you rent a bike, you are responsible for the resulting damage and will have to pay for it. The risk of damage is minimal if you use the bike in an acceptable way according to our instructions.
What if I'm late returning the bike?
If you rent a bike for half a day and stay for the whole day, you will only pay the difference in price. If you plan to stay longer, please let us know.
Why do I sign a disclaimer when renting?
Under no circumstances is Rastoke Active responsible for accidents or damage caused to the renter or for accidents or damage caused by the renter to a third party or for liability cases. The hirer should have insurance through their own accident and liability insurance.
How old do I have to be to rent a bike?
You must be of legal age (over 18), or if you are not, you must have a parent or legal guardian present and give permission to drive by signing our liability statement. This is standard paperwork that all our clients fill out.
At which address do we pick up and drop off bicycles?
Bicycles can be rented, paid for and picked up at the location of Hotel Mirjana & Rastoke, which is also the seat of our Rastoke active agency. The exact address is Donji Nikšić 101, 47240 Slunj. You return the bikes to the same address.
What documents do I need to have when picking up the bike?
Bring your ID or passport and a valid bank/credit card as insurance and of course enough funds to pay for the rental service 😊
Do I have to reserve a bike in advance?
It is always good to make a reservation in advance in order to book the desired number of bikes and the rental period in time. Of course, it is possible to come and rent bicycles without prior reservation, if they are available.
What is included in the bike rental?
Bicycle , bicycle maps, helmets, padlock.
Do you have child seats?
We have child seats with a load capacity of up to 24 kg and we give them to you for free use (if you rent a bike from us). We recommend reserving a child seat, especially on weekends and holidays.
Can I leave a review?
Of course 😊 We always love to hear feedback! You can leave a review on google, facebook, tripadvisor...
When and how should I pay for the bike rental?
Payment is on the spot, before the actual rental and departure for the ride. Payment can be made in cash or by card (we accept all types).
Donji Nikšić 101, 47240 Slunj, Croatia
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